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Teren Industrial - P.U.Z. IN LUCRU - Arad - Aeroport

Arad, Aurel Vlaicu

ID: P266 882
180552.00 m2
0% comision Exclusivitate retras
  • S. teren:180552.00 mp
  • Front stradal:415.00 m
  • Clasificare teren:Intravilan
  • Regim inaltime:P

Casadomi Real Estate Agency offers for sale, urban land in ARAD with an area of 180 552 square meters. We’ve created on this land two profitable businesses for a future investment: the construction of a logistics park for non-polluting production or storage and the production of energy through photovoltaic panels on the rooftop of this park.
We have all the necessary documentation to turn this land into a profitable future investment.
Main futures:
- Local notice of opportunity for this project
- 415 m street front on the state road
- Percentage of land occupation 50%
- Land use coefficient 1,5
- Electrical network infrastructure, medium voltage transformer point
- 2,6km from the loading and unloading point of the A1 highway and airport
- 51km from the border with Hungary
- According to the opportunity study, 90,000 sqm can be built
- The land can be covered with photovoltaic panels on an area of 130,000 square meters
- Area of 18 hectares with an existing photo-voltaic park that can be readapted according to requirements

Contact us for more information!

  • Utilitati generale: Curent, Apa, Canalizare, Gaz, Curent trifazic

Dorin Brănescu


Dorin Brănescu

0765 837 443
Suna Mesaj